August English Language Prep

Dates: This program will return in August 2025.  Keep looking back for details.  

Materials: Included
Homestay Fee: 

The first day of school can be unnerving for any student, but especially for newly arrived international students, who face the mysteries of a new culture, immersion in English, and having to build a new circle of friends. The native English environment can be especially challenging for a newly arrived international student. "Wow, people here talk so quickly!" and "Canadians use many expressions that I have never heard before!" are comments we often hear from students when they first arrive.

The August English Preparation Program is designed to prepare international students into their new surroundings so that, in September, they can start school with confidence.  This program is offered exclusively to our students attending Limestone area schools in September 2025.

The program introduces students to the colloquial English expressions they will not likely have heard in their home country, and the academic English they will encounter in their new Canadian classrooms. Students will learn about the culture and expectations of Canadian schools, and discuss them in relation to those in their home country. The program instructor will work with students to develop strategies on how to be successful in their new Limestone school.

In addition, many of the program activities will take place outside of the classroom. They are designed to familiarize students with various services and venues around Kingston.  This will include riding and understanding the public transit system, how to order food, what to do with phone plans, banking and Canadian courtesy.  There are many local experiences included in this program!

With a class size of about 15, the program offers students a high level of individualized attention.

Students at a game
ldsb ieo
Downtown Kingston

Group Photo of Studetns

Kingston Sign